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Mass Suggestions


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Here is some suggestions which I have taken the time to type out after talking to many people in and out of city! Thanks for reading!


Illegal Job Additions - I have heard from many that there is not enough illegal activities to fill their time (which causes 19 Benefactor robberies per day)

- More heists - https://store.rainmad.com/category/1876861 (lots of different heists to choose from)

- More Drug Running/Smuggling - https://forum.cfx.re/t/qb-esx-best-drug-dealer-script-2023/5101955

- Hitman Services - https://forum.cfx.re/t/esx-paid-hitman/4779445

- Illegal Versions of Legal Jobs (Trucking illegal goods, flying drugs, etc)


Legal Job Additions - I have heard from a lot of people that their are not enough legal jobs for those who aren't felons

- Sanitation/Garbage Worker -  https://fivem-store.com/fivem/garbage-job-system-v3/

- Construction/Electrician - https://forum.cfx.re/t/free-esx-constructor-job/3354360

- Bus Driver - https://forum.cfx.re/t/paid-esx-bus-driver-job/4803439


Another thing I have heard is: WHITELIST MECHANICS - Right now many clock in just to make money, only a few respond to calls, and if everyone is a mech it takes away from those who run shops. I think whitelisting mechanics would create a dedicated group who would constantly respond to calls, and create more demand for the Auto Shops. It would be cool RP to have to apply with the shop owners and ensure nobody is abusing the paychecks.


Businesses Suggestions - Right now, I, and many others feel as though owning a business doesn't mean much of anything. I think we need some sort of business menu to manage employees, pay employees, get paid, and be contacted. Businesses have the chance to provide so much good RP but need something to help them function and bring some structure to allow them to operate.

 Some scripts I found for this: 





Also just creating general demand for businesses. For example Burgershot needs to get the meat from somewhere, so O'neill Ranch can supply it (and be player owned). Top speeds and turbos need to be created and transported. So a factory which fabricates these items and then maybe a trucking company which can transport them. Demand, demand, demand. So many possibilities for really cool RP with the business stuff (and would probably help boost city population)


I know this is long but the final thing I have heard from many is the economy. Right now you can easily make a lot of money with how high everything pays. I think everything needs to be slightly lowered because half the city can drive around in a Lamborghini after working for one day. That being said adding variation would be nice too, maybe special imports with low stock that can be bid on, sales, and more (which could all be run by player owned Benefactor or PDM) 


Anyways thank you for reading! I have one final thing to add, would be cool if someone could publish some sort of weekly or biweekly thing about what's new in the city. Yes we have the change log but it would be cool to get a short newsletter with what is new, being worked on, or stuff like that. 



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we have activities now that require a certain amount of cops which don’t seem to come around except for raids. 

i feel working on the cop ratio vs the population and quality of life for the cops to be more active will help others be able to do the things we have added already before we add more. why add more when some of us can’t even get to experience things like warehouse robberies or class A or S boosting now. 


+1 on the mechanic for sure. it’s sad to see what the mechanic life has become. before the depression we had shops who would hire mechanics like RPG. we had almost 20 working mechanics at one point but the gang rp killed that like it killed cops wanting to be around. baiting mechanics into robberies has become more of a problem than ever. 

we now have more player owned shops than ever yet the least of amount of mechanic RP in all the years i’ve been here. 


being able to do things requires a community. a community who works together instead of just killing and winning all the time. 

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