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  1. City Life

    1. Gang War Declarations

      Declare any and all wars between gangs here! 

      Only the 'Gang Leader' role can post and reply here. If you are a Gang Leader and do not have the role, please put a support ticket in on Discord!

  2. Support

    1. Report a Player

      Caught a player breaking a rule? Report it here for staff to review!

    2. Ban Appeals

      Get banned? Feel like you deserve to be unbanned? Feel free to make a ban appeal here.

      You can also find the staff complaint form here

    3. Refund Requests

      Lose something valuable because of a server problem? Create a refund request here.

    4. Suggestions

      Have an idea you would like to see implemented? Create a new topic here if one doesn't already exist!

    5. Bug Reports

      Find a server bug? Post it here! For anything private feel free to privately message a staff member about it instead.

  3. Applications

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