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Attracting New Life to USARRP


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We should be putting more time and effort into changing the economy the help benefit new players. The amount of new players that fly in and never fly back in is at an all time high. Changing gun prices to make new players life's harder to defend themselves against crims is not going to help keep them in the city. We need new opportunities for new players to make money and feed into the economy as its very hard to make money when you first fly in. If we want to admit it or not the majority of people that fly in on the daily are here for gang beef or grinding cash. Both are crucial elements of the city that people enjoy about USARRP if we like it or not. Now im not saying we need to focus on gang life more then RP but at the end of the day no one will want to fly into RP if there's little to no city population because gangs no longer fly in. We need to find median grounds to not lose the people we already have by making drastic changes to city culture but finding means to support new life in the city. Possibly new job opportunities? Events that reward RP? I'd love to hear other peoples ideas on how you all think we can possibly attract new people to the city and also promote people to keep returning to the city after their first day. 

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i used to grind this server just to afford to be able to compete with guns and money. Now that I’ve been busy with other irl things I fly in once every 2 weeks or even longer. This server is a big ass grind and needs a change. Big reason no one in the gang I had fly in was Because we were all bored of the big grind to do so little fun. 

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+1 Getting a start in RP is hard when you have an established economy full of lamborghinis and trigger-happy supergangsters.

I believe that the first character somebody makes should have some extra cushion, both to help avoid them DMing, and to avoid them being DMed. I've played servers before where you're prohibited from holding a gun for your first 10 play hours, and cannot be a victim of /search. Maybe something similar could work here. After we have measures in place to help avoid people flying in to DM, I believe we could do something to assist the new beginnings in the server. For example, when you set up your character, you get to choose an option, instead of "Select A Spawn" , "Choose Lifestyle". There are a few options which set you on the right track to work (or RP), such as:

"Burger Shot Employee" starts with a D-Class car, drivers license, $3K (Burger Shot Ped model, GPS goal is Burgershot. Spawn by a Public Parking)
"Tourist" starts with $5K (Tourist ped model, spawn on pier or Vinewood Strip)
"Inner-City" starts with a knife, lockpick, $4K (Gang Ped model, spawns in South-Side LS)
"Homeless" starts with $500, expired food item (Homeless Ped model, spawns DRUNK on Mission Row or at VU)

On later characters, it could be possible to also have more possibilities, based on the amount of hours you've spent in the server. This would reward people who morgue a character, and encourage them to start a new RP. You could "redeem" the hours you have for a character of a higher lifestyle. More luxurious options open up as you save more hours (and redeeming hours subtracts them from your total, so you must save up again for a luxurious restart).

(100 Hours) "Ex-Con" starts with a hotwire kit, switchblade, $10K (Gang Ped model, spawns in South-Side LS)
(250 Hours) "Old Head" starts with a C-Class car, no drivers license, $10K (Gang Ped model, spawn at Public Parking in South-Side LS)
(400 Hours) "Former Cop" starts with C-Class car, firearm permit, drivers license, $25K (Middle Aged Ped Model, spawn at Public Parking in Downtown LS)
(500 Hours) "Retired CEO" starts with a B-Class car, drivers license, $50K (Businessperson Ped model, spawn at Public Parking in Vinewood)
(666 Hours) "Escaped Convict" starts with a hotwire kit, shank/broken bottle, all licenses revoked, prison break warrant, $80K (Prisoner Ped model, spawn within 800M of prison away from roads)
(800 Hours) "Daddys Boy" starts with drivers license, $100K (JIZZLE ped MODEL, spawn near PDM)
(2,000 Hours) "Silicon Valley Exec" starts with all licenses, $250K (Business person, or casual nerd ped model, spawn near Benefactor)

Edited by MPD
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I think a good start is stop handicapping players, some these "updates" are just complete and utter ass. I don't know who approves of these but they need to tighten up.

-Meth got a 10% increase in blow chance, level 1 cook has a 90% blow chance......... May as well remove it from the server bc whos gonna do that shit with a 90% chance to blow up and go to jail just for maybe like what 700$ profit? Max level cook has a 60% blow chance which is still stupid, I'm Walter White but yet I can still blow myself up apparently. Which doesn't really matter bc your never reaching max level. Basically completely useless you'll make more money being a postal driver.

-Mechanic level 3 use to be 200 repairs now its 300 for whatever reason. Just to fuck us I suppose. 

-There's the crafting situation which people are making suggestions about.

-The gangs are cancer they just turn everybody away bc there just here to spill blood nothing more. I understand not everybody in a gang is this way but majority are.

-Last thing is the roleplay here is just complete shit outside a few people and it seems everybody knows that but yet nothing is done about it, the player base reflects that.


In my time here everything I tried to do to make money just seems like somebody sat down and thought how can I make this harder. 

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We've lowered the gun prices a bit since the update that had everyone complaining, see the newest prices

We're always looking for new jobs and ways for players to earn money


@Juan MooreGet your facts straight before shitting on everyone

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2 hours ago, Juan Moore said:

I think a good start is stop handicapping players, some these "updates" are just complete and utter ass. I don't know who approves of these but they need to tighten up.

-Meth got a 10% increase in blow chance, level 1 cook has a 90% blow chance......... May as well remove it from the server bc whos gonna do that shit with a 90% chance to blow up and go to jail just for maybe like what 700$ profit? Max level cook has a 60% blow chance which is still stupid, I'm Walter White but yet I can still blow myself up apparently. Which doesn't really matter bc your never reaching max level. Basically completely useless you'll make more money being a postal driver.

-Mechanic level 3 use to be 200 repairs now its 300 for whatever reason. Just to fuck us I suppose. 

-There's the crafting situation which people are making suggestions about.

-The gangs are cancer they just turn everybody away bc there just here to spill blood nothing more. I understand not everybody in a gang is this way but majority are.

-Last thing is the roleplay here is just complete shit outside a few people and it seems everybody knows that but yet nothing is done about it, the player base reflects that.


In my time here everything I tried to do to make money just seems like somebody sat down and thought how can I make this harder. 

Right so firstly you a little silly its a 40% chance to blow up at level one and a 10% chance at max level soooo errr yea

Mechanic Have gotten various changes and its a balance

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