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Bring More Life To The Mountains and Oceans - San Andreas Fish and Game


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So here is my idea, which builds off of the Park Ranger suggestion. I think it would be really interesting to bring more life, and control to the land and water. So first there must be demand for this department which I volunteer to run. So, for water (Coast Guard) maybe increase fishing prices by a lot, and add more types of fish. Possibly add shipwrecks, and or treasure. Add illegal, drug routes/exchanges and maybe even black market dealers way out in sea. This would create demand for coastal police, and also create need for search and rescue. There could be local calls about things too, that while the coast guard isn't busy, maybe a local boat catches fire, etc. For land (Park Rangers) there could be a big boost in meat prices, or different exotic animals you could hunt. Additionally, black markets, drug routes, illegal stuff where park rangers could try to intervene. And for when they aren't busy, local calls like fire, a big bear which has terrorized the mountains, missing people, etc. This would add another department (but a small one) with plenty of new opportunities for RP and would bring new life to the mountain's and oceans. While it would be a small department, it would add a lot of different interactions and more fun things to do both for the department and the citizens who would utilize these new ways to make money.


Coast Guard Base - https://www.gta5-mods.com/maps/map-coast-guard-air-station



Coast Guard Vehicles/Liveries - https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/vehiclestextures/30907-coast-guard-mega-pack/




Park Ranger Base - https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-mlo-beaver-bush-park-ranger-station/1052889




Park Ranger Vehicles/Liveries - https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/san-andreas-state-park-rangers-pack-add-on-replace-sounds-cargens





 Discord: GordoHockey4#0465 - DM with any questions if needed

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Also adding on, for the Ocean, there could be shipments that come in that can be attacked/robbed which the Coast Guard is responsible for stopping!

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Another thing, adding actual hunting and fishing licenses along with a major payout boost!

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