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Bank Truck robbery


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So i remember alot of people in the past had suggested many times that it would be cool if bank trucks  was added as a robbery and eventually it was added, but majority of people that  are use to hitting bank trucks in other server u can rob cops and i know this server will never be able to get the chance of cops getting robbed because then cops will be treated as "loot boxes". I think it would be cool if u could only make it possible to rob cops during a bank truck robbery and u have a 1 hour limit or wtv. Like a custom script that cops  physically cant rob cops unless its during a bank truck robbery shoot out. That will make the script more useful. I dont think a single person has hit the bank trucks yet just because even if u win u only get the bank truck money which is not much bc u will most likely get a fat warrant with pc 245b x8. I think it would be pretty cool imo and make crims have a little more fun to actually have a chance to have a light weight pd weapon but also has the risk of getting raided for taking PD issued weapons. Cops can have a Sniper,carbine,heavypistol, taser and everything else they need. But a crims carbine is half the inventory weight. When u have to have your other essentials to communicate and heal. i think that would be pretty fair for the most part.

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-1 No matter the circumstances , cops will never be able to be robbed. People barely hit bank trucks in the first place. Having this would make people rob the trucks just to loot the cops. People have hit the trucks, one was hit just about 2 days ago. Also with how people are duping stuff and the economy I think this is a bad idea and should never become a thing


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