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Accidental Purchase


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Character Name: Nick Santos

Lost Items: 100k

Requested Refund (In $): $100,00

Time/Date of Loss: 12/17/22

Proof of Ownership (Screenshots/Clip):  

Explain what led you to need a refund: I was tryna preview the car, had the preview button selected and it bought the car when I pressed enter. I was just tryna look at it I didn't want to buy it. Y'all can delete the car from my inv or whatever but I'm just tryna get my money back for it.


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Hello @Activalix
So we understand this can happen so there is a few things I am going to need you to do. First, I need you to sell the vehicle back to the dealership and send a picture of the price you got in return then I will refund you the rest of the money when you are in game again. Please post your screenshot of the sell price here and send me a message on discord bootEholebandit#0333 when you are in the server and ready to be refunded after I accept your evidence of the sale of your vehicle.

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