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Mansion Heist glitches!!!!!

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Character Name: Kane Jones

Lost Items: 7 Sticky bombs

Requested Refund (In $): the heist pays around 200-300k each time and each sticky bomb cost 35k (245k for all the sticky bombs I lost) 

Time/Date of Loss: Friday (03/05/24) after reset and Wednesday (01/05/24) after reset!

Proof of Ownership (Screenshots/Clip):  

Explain what led you to need a refund: while I was doing the mansion heist I have blown the doors up with sticky bombs before starting the heist which is have done 1 time (I have tried the heist 3 times). 1/3 times I have tried and I have gone in and out of the mansion to get more sticky bombs because I was unable to carry all of them at a time.  after I started the heist by looting the upstairs I killed all the guys inside, I went to hack the lasers which worked fine but when I went to search the money downstairs, the game glitched and the symbol to grab the money disappeared just as I pressed it and nothing happened! After there was symbol to blow up the last door to get the big safe and the jewel, but it placed the sticky bomb and didn’t blow up(I used 4 sticky bombs). 2/3 I completely the mansion heist no problems. 3/3 I blow up the upstairs door killed all the guys and then left the gates to get more sticky bombs. I blow up the first underground gate and killed the guys inside, then I went to go back outside for another sticky bomb but the animation glitched and my character was just stuck. I finally died while still in the glitched animation and payed over 9k for the hospital, only for my screen to still be looking at the glitched animation of the gate but on the map it showed me at the hospital. 

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